Our walk to lake merit was long; we walked a lot even though we took the bus. I thought the lake merit community was going to be the same as what I am used to seeing but it was different, the people were different the places were different in way that there were a lot of cafe shops, food stores and groceries stores, I saw Safeway, Walgreen’s, trader Joes, star bucks, subway this was all like in two blocks. People there were nice they were interested in the interviews we had to do and were able to answer all the questions wed asked them. after finishing our interviews we went to a rose garden, this garden was really pretty it was full of roses of different colors and sizes, there were trees all around and a pond, there were birds around and you could smell the freshens before getting there we walked by this house who had his garden decorated with rocks and it looked really nice he told us he had made them him self.

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